zaterdag 30 juli 2011


What happens when you put five musicians in a rehearsel room, give them the instruments they need and tell them they should perform on stage within 48 hours? They start sweating.

Nathan (lead-singer, guitar), Aron (guitar), Jens (bass), Milly (keyboards), Oliver (drums) accepted the challenge. We went over to have a look and when we opened the door, it was like entering a sauna. Naked people everywhere!

When we tried to get an interview, they told us they had 'a really tight schedule' and were 'too busy for anything else besides playing music'. Being good reporters, we lounged around paparazzi-style for about fifteen minutes. We couldn't keep still - and had to start dancing. During the short period of time we were in there, they played a balanced mixture of modern classics, contemporary hits and a fair bit of rock 'n roll.

After our little dancing session, we tried to get one of them in front of our camera, but they kicked us out. Attitude, anyone? While they were pushing us out of the door, we caught Nathan saying: 'Djeeezus. There is sweat all over the place'. A new band is born!

Everyone is invited to the first performance of 'SWEAT', tomorrow at 8pm in Den Eglantier.

Don't forget your dancing shoes!

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